Make text easily movable : One great advantage that a text box gives you, is the ability to modify the position of the text by cutting and pasting it anywhere in the document like you would an image.Using a text box, you can change the background colour of specific content within the text box. Use custom background colours : At times, you would need to have text set in a different background colour to the rest of the document to make it stand out even more.

For example, to bring attention to a pull quote, or make text stand out - like a “Note” or “Quick Tips” section

It is commonly used for various types of personal and professional use-cases like drafting letters, creating guideline documents, taking notes, or developing brochures. Google Docs is a widely-used, powerful and free word processing program that is convenient and simple to use because of its universal cloud-based accessibility and functional and clean user interface.

How to Insert a Text Box in Google Docs?